Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fan Blog Started

First off, I have to say that I am not affiliated with Sassa or anyone else close to her or her publisher or anything like that, so this isn't an official blog, but everything I put in here is true. I get it all from her sites or from her personally. I just recently found out about her music and everything and am a huge fan, so I'm starting this blog for anyone else who loves her or wants to find out about her or both. :p :)

If you've heard of Sassa, and you like her music, then you've come to the right place. She's only released one song on her myspace music profile, but she also has two songs on her facebook page...not her fan page but her actual page. The song on her myspace music profile is called Wonder Woman and the songs on her facebook page are Dog and True to Myself.
For those of you who don't know who she is, let me clue you in. First off, her name isn't pronounced like it's spelled. It's pronounced like Sasha. I'm not sure why it's spelled like that, but it's cool. It's unique I think. She is a new singer who is marketing herself, but she is really good. She writes her own songs and sings them herself. She also does all the music and everything on her computer.
She doesn't just sing either. She also writes. According to her blog, she has several sites: Search for Sassa Brown in pages. It's the one with a picture of her, her husband, and two kids.

She also listed her email address. This one I'm not sure if it's her email that she uses all the time or if it's just her fan email or whatever. She did list it in her blog on myspace though. It's

She was born on November 9, 1983 and she is married and has two kids, a boy and a girl. They're so cute too. I saw their picture from the fan facebook page. Her little boy was making a funny face that made me laugh.

Anyway, I found her myspace page by mistake the other day, and now I'm hooked. I really hope she adds more music soon. She says she has a lot more songs, and I know of two. I added her on her real facebook page before she knew about my blog and everything. She asked that I don't add list her actual facebook page because it's for friends, family, and friends she makes on games that she plays. So I'm going to respect that, but she said that she will personally reply to anyone who contacts her on her fan page. She's really nice and always responds when I message her, so I'm sure she will talk to you too if you add her. She also said she will be posting her songs on her youtube page. She just hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I need to get off here. Comment, message me, whatever. And definitely check her out. Talk to you all again soon! :)

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